Youtube Creator Day Krasnodar Road Show and Lizzz TV + Max Rekoshet #YTCreators
Youtube Creator Day Krasnodar Road Show with Lizz TV + Max Rekoshet has arrived from is far to the city where Slavik and Dimon remove abrupt girls! Nothing new in principle on action was, all information could be read on the Internet, no secrets and councils for optimization, advance and algorithms existed. Still there gave firmovy backpacks from YouTube and the first were that who from is far has arrived, but not me (from Stavropol) to the neighbor (from Pyatigorsk) hasn't got also we angry now! Because resourceful Krasnodar children have told lies that further from where that and was grabbed by presents, but on them it is all the same, there were free buter and mineral water, but too hasn't used and became even angrier! By the way the girl from some Ambossador and looked at me that it is direct has fallen in love!)) Impressions rather positive - were seen by Krasnodar has communicated to local!
На поддержку малого и среднего предпринимательства в 2015 году в крае предусмотрено 700 миллионов рублей.
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Краснодарскому краю на поддержку рынка ипотечного кредитования выделят 750 млн рублей. Об этом сообщил глава региона Александр Ткачев в ходе... подробнее